August 14, 2020
The Benefits of Working with a Diversity Supplier

Did you know that AccruePartners helped a Fortune 100 company in the Charlotte region increase their diverse candidate pool by over 68% as a diverse supplier?

When thinking about your diversity and inclusion strategy, it’s a commonplace to start with what’s most important to your day-to-day business – your employees. What may be less apparent is how you think about your recruitment process when working with third party talent solutions providers. 

As a partner for many mid-large Fortune 500 companies, we know that businesses move fast and it’s hard to stop and think about exactly who you’re buying from. However, as more companies integrate diversity & inclusion programs into their growth strategies, it’s worth pausing and thinking about who your company is trusting as a valued partner for your hiring needs.

A women-owned business since 2002, AccruePartners is a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBENC) certified company that has been a reliable talent solutions provider for those seeking the benefits of diversity programs across the nation.

What is a Diverse Supplier?

A diverse supplier is a business that has received a third-party certification from an agency that documents, screens, and validates that the company is diverse. To obtain a certification, documents are required, and specific criteria must be met like:

  • Owned by U.S. citizens
  • At least 51% minority-owned, operated, and controlled
  • Physically located in the U.S. or one of its trust territories
  • Must be operated and managed daily by minority ownership member(s)

WBENC Certification validates that the business is 51 percent owned, controlled, operated, and managed by a woman or women. WBENC’s world-class certification is accepted by more than 1,000 corporations representing America’s most prestigious brands, in addition to many states, cities and other entities. WBENC is also an approved third-party certifier for the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contracting Program.

3 Benefits of Having a Diverse Supplier

Improves Corporate Reputation

Now, more than ever, companies are being held to higher standards and intense scrutiny. Stocks plummet and (really) bad press takes center stage when poor business practices are uncovered. With that in mind, companies are increasingly moving toward diversification not only for its financial benefits but for its ability to support a positive image of the company as well. As a larger organization, partnering with local small-medium sized enterprises or minority business enterprises has a profound, positive affect on the surrounding community. By utilizing diverse suppliers, like AccruePartners, you are promoting job creation on the local level and winning together with the community.

Promotes Greater Innovation

Diverse suppliers are smaller and more agile than their larger counterparts, allowing them to provide top services with greater flexibility and innovative creativity. Partners utilizing diverse suppliers can capitalize on the depth and breadth of innovations that naturally occurs when having a diverse supplier base.

Drives Cost Savings

Launching a diversity and inclusion strategy has an indisputable influence on a company’s bottom line. When the supplier pool is broadened, diverse, often smaller partners are given a level playing field and they tend to open the door for greater savings as cost of services are discussed. In addition to lower investment costs, having this larger pool of potential partners allows the company to choose the best partner to provide for their needs.

Charlotte’s Diverse Talent Solutions Provider

As the largest independently & women-owned Talent Solutions Provider in the greater Charlotte area, our team at AccruePartners is experienced in searching and hiring qualified top talent for any organization looking to hire. Learn more about partnering with us and building the people, companies and careers that drive your diverse organization forward together by reaching out to our team here.

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