September 22, 2023
Post-Interview Etiquette: 3 Dos and 3 Don’ts

First impressions matter in a job search, but how you leave an interview can also make or break your success. If you’ve made it through the interview stage, you’ve placed yourself in a prime position to be considered for the job. The steps you take afterward could influence whether you’re offered the position.

Post-interview, follow these dos and avoid the don’ts so you make a positive impression on your potential employer.

Do: Send a Thank You Note

This doesn’t have to be a card you drop in the mail. A simple email to the person you spoke with and a note to the hiring manager can go a long way. Email correspondence can be more effective, as well, since you can send a message within 24 hours without having to rely on the paper mail system.

Here’s a sample template for what to send to the interviewer.

Dear [name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview me for the [job title] position today.It was a pleasure to meet you in person and learn more about [name of company].

As discussed in the interview, I’m confident I’d excel for you because my expertise matches the role. In particular, [use this section to list specific skills related to the job or add details on why the role interests you so much].

I appreciate meeting you and look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your name]

Keep the note succinct, but make it personal to stand out to the interviewer. Write sincerely, and include a call to action saying that you look forward to chatting soon to prompt the interviewer to contact you.

You can adapt the above template for a hiring manager or recruiter who helped connect you to the position. If you met other people during the interview who made a significant impression, you could send similar notes to reinforce the connection you made.

Don’t: Send the Same Thank You Note to Everyone

Team members talk. Savvy communicators will also see through a stock note you pulled off a website. Make each message you send unique, and include personal details that show you paid attention and are invested in the connection.

Do: Send a Request to Connect on LinkedIn

Before the interview ends, ask the person you’re interviewing for their permission to send them a LinkedIn request. This can benefit you in a few ways.

  • Sending a request helps you continue a professional relationship post-interview.
  • The interviewer may view your LinkedIn profile and learn more about you as a candidate, which could influence their hiring decision.
  • If you aren’t offered that position, you can still grow your network and stay connected should other opportunities arise.

If you forgot to ask permission during the interview, consider adding the interviewer and hiring manager on LinkedIn. In your thank you note, mention that you’ll be send them a request to connect on LinkedIn. When you send the request to connect, add a short personal note that again thanks the person for taking the time to interview you and consider you for the position.

Don’t: Spam Everyone You Meet With Impersonal LinkedIn Requests

Unless you had a significant discussion with someone, don’t add everyone who works at your potential new employer on LinkedIn. This could be disingenuous and/or annoying. It’s best to ask permission first in person or give the possible new connection a heads-up of your request in a thank-you note.

Do: Follow Up Appropriately

During theinterview, ask what next steps you should expect. Follow any directions, such as meeting a request to send work samples. You should also find out when you should next hear from the interviewer.

If you are still waiting to hear back from the interviewer when they said you would, it’s appropriate to be proactive and reach out. It’s possible the employer team became unexpectedly busy, and other things took priority over the hiring process. Sending a polite email to check in is appropriate and keeps you top of mind for the interviewer.

Don’t: Disrespect Timelines

Not following basic directions could eliminate your chances of being considered.If the interviewer says it will take a week to hear back, wait to ask about the interview for an update until then. It’s still appropriate to send a thank you note, but respect the interviewer’s timeline and avoid asking questions about hiring decisions too early.

Get Expert Interview Coaching from the AccruePartners Team

If you’re a professional looking for a job in accounting and financeinformation technologydigital marketing and creativehuman resourcesfinancial services, or corporate support, connect with the recruiting team at AccruePartners. We help set our candidates up for success by communicating employer needs and coaching candidates on how to stand out in an interview. We can help you grow your career and find your dream position.

Contact us today.

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